Hitachi Content platform for Secure data management

Trusted storage solutions with Hitachi HCP—secure, scalable, and engineered for your data-driven success.

HCP is a high-performance object storage solution that offers scalable, secure, and efficient data management for modern cloud-native applications.

HCP provides robust security features including encryption, object versioning, and integration with leading data protection software to help safeguard against cyber threats.

Yes, HCP is built to scale from petabytes to exabytes, supporting a broad range of data sizes with consistent performance.

Absolutely. HCP delivers functionality that supports stringent regulatory compliance requirements with enforceable data retention and secure disposal capabilities.

HCP facilitates digital transformation by providing scalable and secure data management that supports cloud-native applications, helping organizations to modernize their IT infrastructure and leverage data for analytics and insights.

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Why we are a Hitachi Vantara Partner

At Data Matters, our partnership with Hitachi Vantara, particularly their Hitachi Content Platform (HCP), reflects our dedication to providing top-tier, scalable, and secure data management solutions. HCP’s cutting-edge approach to handling unstructured data and its support for cloud-native applications align perfectly with our goal of offering efficient and future-proof data services. The platform’s emphasis on enhanced performance, robust security, and intelligent data services mirrors our commitment to empowering clients with the most advanced tools for data management and digital transformation.

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